

The "Text Engineering Software Laboratory" (Tesla) is a linguistic component framework, comparable to UIMA or GATE, developed at the department of computational linguistics at the University of Cologne. More information about Tesla can be found on the department's web page and project wiki.


ABL (Alignment Based Learning) is a grammatical inference system for (natural) language analysis, developed by Menno van Zaanen. ABL4J is a Java port of ABL, currently available in Version 0.9. If you're a Java developer and you want to implement some new aligning algorithms, you can use ABL4J as framework. Otherwise, you'll probably prefer the original version.

If you'd like to learn more about ABL, you'll find several papers on Menno's homepage. More details about ABL4J (including a download link) can be found here.


VisualABL is a visualizer which can be useful to analyze alignments generated by ABL or ABL4J. Under development...


SOG also is a grammatical inference system for (natural) language analysis, developed by myself as part of my master thesis in 2004. It is not yet available for download, as it needs some heavy refactoring, but if you're sure that you want to get a copy of it, write me an email.